
Showing posts from March, 2021

#Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do #Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021 #SeriousPostSeries

Hi all!!  Hope Everyone is doing Fine😀                                                    Today  I  just decided to post my ,article-essay entry of PPC 2021. Four themes were there for writing ..   A pparently  this topic caught my attention " #Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do" so basically we need to write on -  If there was no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you do for society and why?   so here's the thing  👇🏼 Our Society is in need of so many things which are really very basic and reasonable.   If we expect more changes for the betterment of our quality of life we are put off by a single statement that ours is a developing Country and huge changes take time. Thus, if there were no restrictions on resources and opportunities there are many good Deeds that could be done to our society. I, b...